Campbell Hausfeld Welder Flux Core 80 Parts

Campbell Hausfeld Welding Parts Campbell Hausfeld Welding Parts: We carry a wide range of items like wire, nozzles, contact tips, hammers, brushes, safey equipment, and more. For more information and helpful tips check out our Welder Answer Guide, Welder Selection Guide, or Welder Tips and Terms. Searching for CAMPBELL HAUSFELD products? Grainger's got your back. Easy online ordering and next-day delivery available with 24/7 expert product support.

So in the spirit of the harbor freight modding thread, I got inspired / motivated to try it with my flux core 80, especially since this is now my backup machine.
Insteald of buying new parts, I decided to try and use various random parts I have laying around. Dont ask why I have hundreds of capacitors, I dont really have a good reason lol.
Anyways, my first attempt was to just add 3 capacitors and see how the arc quality changed, Unfortunately I only got a ~30 second test with wirespeed that was about triple what it was before adding the caps.. so not a good test at all.. I also found the wire I uses was VERY small for the current in question. I thought ~8 inches of 14 guage stranded wire would not be an issue in such a low power unit, with only 3 caps, but It was small enough that the heating got the insulation tacky hot with 30 second test weld onto some scrap exhaust tubing.
Phase two will be bigger wire, and adding a few diodes in series with the wire feed motor in order to drop .7v per diode in the hopes of slowing the wirespeed back down to a usable range.. I might go for a phase 3 and bump it up to 6 caps depensing on how the arc 'feels'
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03-17-2010 16:25:13

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I was at a friends small engine shop today looking for parts . Didn't have the parts that I needed in his big pile of parts, but while looking around I saw a big blue box on top of a pile of riding mowers . I asked him if it wasa welder and he said it was . Wire feed , I asked then ,and he said that it was . Then I asked what was wrong with it ? He said it just quit, like it was unpluged ,wouldn't weld wouldn't feed the wire out. I then asked if I could have it in order to get it out of his way and he said yes . Well , I climbed over a pile of lawnmowers and got it . The side where the wire spool is, was off , exposing the wire spool and the wire was rusted a little. Well , I got it home ,plugged it up and .. it actually came on !!!! I squeezed the welding handle and the wire feed out .. I got a piece of metal and hooked up the ground clamp and it actually started welding . It has a duty cycle over exceed limiter on it and they probably overceeded the duty cycle of it and it shut off to cool down . It said that it had that device on the front of it . It is a little dirty as it was in a shop and he's not a very neat person . Also , it has a few dents and scratches and the paint is chipped in a few places, but hey, it work and a new one is over $200.00 dollars , so it saved me a lot of money. I need to order a piece that holds the wire spool on , but that's small change compared to a new welder . Here are some pictures of it and a link to the manual site . It is a Campbell Hausfeld Flux Core 80, Single Phase ,Wire Welder . Model No. WF2000. Haven't had a chance to really do some welding with it to really put it to a test ,but I'm getting ready to take it to a friends garage and try it out. Did I get lucky or what today ????


03-24-2010 18:07:23

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to Whizkidkyus, 03-17-2010 16:25:13
well. I tell you what, come on over and show it to me then. It has a high/low switch and a off/on switch. That's it. I know, I've had it about 14 years now. and I'm afraid I'm familiar with it.
If I had the money burning holes in my pocket, I may buy something better. BUT AGAIN. I make big money. (yea, right.) and work to feed myself and my household. I don't weld near enough to justify spending the money, and I'm sure there's a few others that don't as well. All 3 of my welders costed me less than 300 bucks combined. and for the say 10 to 20 pounds of rod, and the 3 or 4 pounds of wire I burn in a year, I'm satisfied. Just cause you aren't or wouldn't be satisfied don't mean someone else won't be. And just cause you wouldn't be, don't mean you have to p*$s on someone's parade. If our playthings are nothing but junk, so be it, But as long as I have my junk, I'll be happy. cause my junk is better than having NOTHING at all.
03-24-2010 18:39:34

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to Brad Gyde, 03-24-2010 18:07:23
Brad everybody has different expectations and opinions on welders and tools I may buy a cheap wrench but I won’t buy a cheap welder! From reading your complaints about money here again we differ, I’ve always made good money from the first day out of high school, but that came from good planning and training before I ever hit the workforce. Sorry for your financial situation, but you can always go to night school and improve your financial situation, don’t beach about it, change it!
You don’t have to spend a lot of money to get a good welder, I paid $300.00 for this one, but then again I know what to look for! Comes from experience, and knowledge, something you’re lacking! :wink: [URL=][/URL]
03-23-2010 15:22:09

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to Whizkidkyus, 03-17-2010 16:25:13
I have a simailar little Century jobbie. I got it for christmas when I was 15. Had watched a friend of my dad's reweld new quarter panels on a truck. I had saved money and bought a truck and wanted to fix it. asked for a welder, and that's what I got. I've ran a lot of wire through it fixing this and that. Mine don't have feed speed control or anything. so it can be tricky to use. but it has always done anything I wanted it to do. I use it a lot to 'tack' things before I use my stick welder (which if I talked much about I'd get told how junk it was.)
I guess my point is, I'm much like you. I have a limited budget (Family. bills. and etc) . and I have to make do with 'less'. (you know, what's more important? a $400 welder, or the $400 in new tires my truck needs to get me back and forth to making the $400????)
I'll also venture to bet that almost anyone who has knocked your new found plaything would have snatched up for free as well. There are some people who have the fancy welders and fancy things, but I can do just as much, and sometimes even better with my 'junk', garage sale and auction finds, and my Chinese Harbor Freight stuff.. For free, I'd say you justified the purchase. and if you put ten bucks in it and use it for a hour, you're still ahead in my book. I'll stop ranting now. Have fun, but play safe!!
03-24-2010 03:23:57

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to Brad Gyde, 03-23-2010 15:22:09
“Mine don't have feed speed control”
How in the world does that work?!!! :? You either haven’t learned how to use it, or you’re a thousand times better weldor than I, and I’ve been welding for almost 2-weeks now. :lol:
“I'll also venture to bet that almost anyone who has knocked your new found plaything would have snatched up for free as well.”
I’m the exception, I wouldn’t drag it home, and I wouldn’t allow you to even carry it home for me! :wink:
03-24-2010 02:07:29

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to Brad Gyde, 03-23-2010 15:22:09
Check the weight of an 80 amp welder.My Miller 130 weighs 65 pounds,Most of the weight is in the transformer.Better yet weld with both machines.Most welders will tell you that a too small mig welder will sour you on welding.No such thing as a fancy welder,it has to be made right to do good work.

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03-18-2010 21:08:35

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to Whizkidkyus, 03-17-2010 16:25:13
Everyone Else,

Thank you for your comments , wheather they were good or bad , postive or negative. Everyone's entilted to their opinions and free thoughts, but still you can't beat a free $200.00+ welder that works. Yes , there are better more expensive ones , but while they are nice to have you have to be a serious welder and do a lot of welding in order for it to pay for itself. I'm just a beginning / hobbist welder , so this welder will do me just fine. I'll admit , though, that I would like to have a better one . Oh well, maybe someday.

Thank you,

03-22-2010 16:05:10

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to Whizkidkyus, 03-18-2010 21:08:35
Let us know what you you think after you have welded with it.

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03-18-2010 21:17:53

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to Whizkidkyus, 03-18-2010 21:08:35
Cman and IH2444,

Thank you for your words of encouragement. I think that if I take care of it and don't over do it , the welder will be good for what I need it for. I wish that it could weld up to 1/4 in. thick metal, for decks on lawnmowers .

Thank you,

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03-18-2010 18:25:10

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to Whizkidkyus, 03-17-2010 16:25:13

HEY; BUD. If you were to go to your farm and family center I am sure you can get your spring and your spool tention nut there, I did. $8.00 at the most. SOME PEOLE HAVE ALL THE LUCK.
I have one and I think it dose a great job.

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03-18-2010 20:46:07

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to JR.Fyre, 03-18-2010 18:25:10

Thank's, I'll try TSC this weekend. It's the closest welding store that we have . There maybe another one,though . I'll look in the phonebook.


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03-18-2010 10:32:57

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to Whizkidkyus, 03-17-2010 16:25:13
You did better than I. I paid $450 yesterday for a 140 amp. They had the ones like yours for about $220

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03-18-2010 20:50:14

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to DoubleR, 03-18-2010 10:32:57
DoubleR ,

Thanks . It was a once in a lifetime chance for something like that to happen to me.


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03-18-2010 09:55:04

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to Whizkidkyus, 03-17-2010 16:25:13
I read online at last night that there is a conversion kit that I can buy for this machine to convert it to a Mig welder.


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03-18-2010 11:26:53

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to Whizkidkyus, 03-18-2010 09:55:04
Whizkid you’ll get more bang per amp with fluxcore than with Mig.
You may or may not have gotten my point with my gooseneck trailer build comment. The point I was trying to make is: You have to know the limitations of your new welder, as well as yourself. I have a little 220-volt single phase wire feed, 200-amps at 100% duty cycle. With the proper joint configuration I would weld 1/2-inch thick material with it using the Mig process. Anything thicker I would switch to .045 gas-shielded fluxcore or 1/16 to .068 gasless fluxcore. I won’t run any wire larger in size than .068, don’t want to let the smoke out of my machine! :wink:
03-18-2010 20:55:00

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to Puddles, 03-18-2010 11:26:53

I understood what you were saying, more or less . I knew that you were talking about angles and welding , but I just stated that you won't have to worry about that happening anytime soon as I don't have a gooseneck , but I wish that I did.


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03-18-2010 16:36:56

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to Puddles, 03-18-2010 11:26:53
Whizkidkyus , don't let em beat you up over your little freeby wire welder.
We started with a little 120V Century wire welder with the gas kit. It was good for sheet metal and up to 1/8 steel. Everything bigger got welded with the Lincoln DC stick welder.

The little Century always did have trouble burning .030 solid wire, you needed to make sure the 120V feed was heavy and short, or it really struggled to produce enough amps to burn .030 wire.

A couple years ago we got a millermatic 212 for the main shop welder and retired the little century for those light jobs that the big miller could not reach. To make the little 120V welder more portable for jobs like welding combine grain elevator sheet metal, way up on top of the combine in a breeze that would kill a gas sheilded weld. we removed the gas kit and fitted the little welder with a spool of .030 flux core wire.
This not only made that little welder a lot more portable and able to weld in wind, but flux core wire is about 50% flux, so is about like welding .015 solid wire. With that little metal to burn, the thing now works great, even on the end of a 50ft 12GA extension cord.

Used within it's limits, your little freeby welder will do just fine.

03-18-2010 20:57:50

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to Jon Hagen, 03-18-2010 16:36:56
Jon Hagen,

I'm not going to let them beat me up. Everyone's entitled to their opinions about it , but still you can't beat a $200.00+ freebie that works.


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03-18-2010 09:32:25

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to Whizkidkyus, 03-17-2010 16:25:13
I have a welder exactly like yours. Works very well and does everything I ask it to do. It is not a 225 amp arc welder and to even think it will weld 1/4' steel is ridculous. Use it for the intended purpose and I guarantee you will like it.

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03-18-2010 08:19:17

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to Whizkidkyus, 03-17-2010 16:25:13
Good deal Whizkid,
Great price and something to use till you can get better equipment later.

A cheap/free welder is better than no welder for sure.

Candy expiration code cheat sheets. Don't weld the washer lid closed or you will be in trouble.

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03-18-2010 05:06:38

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to Whizkidkyus, 03-17-2010 16:25:13

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to Whizkidkyus, 03-17-2010 16:25:13
True , my welder may be a cheaper brand and it may be small amp wise and not able to weld thick stuff , but for small jobs around the house , it's perfect for me . When someone gives you something free that cost over $ 200.00 new and it works , you can't complain about it. However much it does ,is that much. I'm not much of a welder , nor do I really need a big high priced welder , although it would be nice and I would like to have one, but can't afford it right now . Actually ,I don't really know how much that it would cost new , the $200.00 was just a shot in the dark price , but I do, however know that they are over $200.00 new period , no matter what the brand . The last time that I looked at them in Walmart about five years ago , they were more near the $300.00 range .

Whizkid Playboy e magazine pdf.

03-18-2010 03:45:12

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to Whizkidkyus, 03-17-2010 22:21:29
Whizkid hopefully you understand that with your newly acquired welding machine comes a huge responsibility!
I categorize these the same as a “Saturday Night Special”, maybe they should be called a Saturday Afternoon Special! Personally I think there should be a law passed where a person has to pass a written test before buying one of these! :wink:
So in about 2-weeks time I’ll be reading a thread started by you asking how to figure out the down angle cuts on the 12 X 35# S-shapes beams you’re using for your under construction 25,000-pound GVWR gooseneck trailer you’re building with your new welding machine? :roll:
03-18-2010 09:52:38

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to Puddles, 03-18-2010 03:45:12

I won't be building or working on a gooseneck trailer as I don't own one, nor do I have anything to pull one with . Sure would be nice if I did have one, though. Since I don't have one ,though ,think of the gas that I save without having another vechile to worry with , especially with a big vechile that's big enough to pull a gooseneck.


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03-17-2010 20:49:21

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to Whizkidkyus, 03-17-2010 16:25:13
Looks an awful lot like my Clarke wire feed. You might want to check and see if it has a plastic or metal shield that the wire feeds through.

My Clarke welder had bigtime feeding problems from day one. After fighting it for several years, I figured out it had a plastic shield the wire fed through, and the plastic would heat up and bind the wire.

I replaced the plastic shield with a steel one from a Hobart welder and it's been flawless ever since.

03-24-2010 02:27:59

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to Goose, 03-17-2010 20:49:21
Ive seen reports that Clarke is going out of business.

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03-17-2010 18:36:06

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to Whizkidkyus, 03-17-2010 16:25:13
I had one of those. Got rid of it, as it could barely stick anything over 1/16' together.
Replaced it with a 140 amp Lincoln. 10 times the machine. The Lincoln will match my 180 amp Hobart up to the Lincoln's capacity.
For free a good deal, anything paid for it would be too much.

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03-17-2010 20:49:32

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Re: How Lucky Can A Person Get ? Campbell Hausfeld Wire .. in reply to chvet73, 03-17-2010 18:36:06
Maybe the guy that let you take it is the lucky one? It's not much of welder and will most likely give you fits trying to get it to work properly. If a new one is only a little over $200 should be pretty self explanatory. Sorry. Dave

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