Grub2 Themes Download Fedora

Flat Design themes for Grub2.

Fedora + persistence using grub2 In Tutorial #67 on the website, I describe how to get Fedora booting as a flat-file configuration with persistence. I decided to try this using the new grub2 menu system, and here is the final menu.


Usage: sudo ./[OPTIONS..]

Tafsir al quran pdf. if no option used the terminal user interface will be show up

-v, --vimixVimix grub theme
-s, --stylishStylish grub theme
-t, --telaTela grub theme
-l, --slazeSlaze grub theme
-w, --whiteInstall white color icon version
-2, --2kInstall 2k(2560x1440) background image
-4, --4kInstall 4k(3840x2160) background image
-r, --removeRemove theme (must add theme name option)
-h, --helpShow this help

For example:

  1. Install Tela theme on 2k display device

    sudo ./ -t -2

  2. Remove Tela theme Naics code lookup by company name.

    sudo ./ -r -t

Display resolution issues

Set the right resolution of your display

On the grub screen, press c to get the commandline,and enter vbeinfo or videoinfo on EFI boot to check what resolutions you can use,then edit /etc/default/grub , add your resolution GRUB_GFXMODE=****x****x32 into it,last you can run grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg to update your grub.cfg.


Vimix grub theme

Stylish grub theme

Tela grub theme

Slaze grub theme