Ps3 Free Popstation V5 Isolation

The elder scrolls v skyrim keygen er. 1.「PS3-Free popstation v5」をDLし展開します。 2. 「popsgui.exe」を起動し先ほど作成したPSソフトのイメージ(XXX.img)をドラッグし「PS3-Free popstation v5」のウィンドウの上でドロップします。. 出来上がったEBOOT.PBPを含むフォルダはpopstationmdfreegui.exeと同じ階層にできています このフォルダをメモステのPSP→GAMEフォルダ内に収めればPSPでPSをプレイできます. Free download dhoop kinare pakistani drama.
ol - yet another popstation GUI.
This is one of the most advanced popstation GUIs. Features:
- PSX images and EBOOTs are FULLY customizable (eg save file fixes) - even the gameboot picture can be changed
- EBOOT patching is quite fast - no more PSP Brew
- Conversion with a progress bar! (note, no progress bar when creating compressed EBOOTs)
- Supports CUE and MDF, as well as standard popstation supported files
- Extract ISO from EBOOT - includes compressed EBOOTs and will also extract a CCD file
- I've tried to make it easy to use smile
- ALL files are included - no more searching for elusive KEYS.BIN or BASE.PBP files
- MANY other features - such as a Preview feature, EBOOT add/delete/extracting etc etc - see screenshot smile
Download v3.00 (610KB) Source Code can be obtained here
Mirrors: Look here
Changes in v3.00 beta:
- Moved to 3.03 OE-C's popstation (KEYS.BIN no longer required)
- Fixed some bugs in v2.26 beta
- Now will convert and resize images (accepts BMP, JPG, ICO/CUR, GIF, WMF, EMF)
Notes with image resizing and converting:
- PNGs will not be resized or modified at all
- When centre-ing images, the image will have a black background - this is for the same reason as PNGs not being modified - I don't know how to save alpha
- The program won't convert to PIC0.PNG (same reason as above - also, this is kinda useless considering that you can use PIC1.PNG instead)
- No resampling is done during resize - so resized images may look, 'stuffed' (I'm currently trying to implement resampling, but, unfortunately, VB is very slow, so an implementation of this will make conversion times very slightly longer)
To help you customize your EBOOTs tongue
Download vegetano1's EBOOT packs
Download v2.26 beta
Changes in v2.26 beta:
- MDF support (note MDS is currently not supported, so TOC information is lost when using MDF)
- Fixed the CCD extraction bug (should now work) and a few other things
- Added theme support (you can now remove those 'ghey colours')
- Few other minor changes
All comments/criticisms/suggestions etc welcome!
Changes in v2.25 beta:
- Updated the popstation to v1.24
- Updated the Game ID list to the 'proper' one
- Added EBOOT recompression (which so many people want)
- Now extracts CCD from EBOOT, when you extract an ISO (also possible to extract a TOC, you have to enable it in the INI)
- Added more options
- Can now preview the gameboot/warning PNG
- Other minor bug fixes and interface changes
Download v2.25 BETA (578KB)
Mirrors: Filefront Sendspace
Changes in v2.21 beta:
- EBOOT reconstructing is now implemented - meaning that you can now add larger images to already made EBOOTs
- Numerous bug fixes
- Transfer to PSP after conversion option
- Shows game region (useless IMO, but it does mean that my program has ALL the features of PSX2PSP now tongue)
- Interface cleanup
- Now uses a 'clean' BASE.PBP file
Download v2.21 BETA (579KB)
Mirrors: Filefront Sendspace
Changes in v2.20 beta:
- Can extract compressed EBOOTs
- PAL -> NTSC enabled when making compressed EBOOT
- Added Graphics fixing - thanks to mrdude from MaxConsole smile
- Docmaker can now extract PNGs from DOCUMENT.DAT files
- Includes newer popstation.exe - also removes cygwin DLL requirements smile
- Interface change tongue
Download v2.20 BETA (749KB)
Changes in v2.10 beta:
- Now uses the newer popstation allowing CCD files to be used
- My program also works with CUE files smile
- Fixed ISO extraction problems
Download v2.10c BETA (1.08MB)
Mirrors: Sendspace
Changes in v2.01 beta:
- Added a documentation generator
Download v2.01c BETA (0.99MB)
Mirrors: Sendspace
Changes in v2.00 beta: [Notes]
- Support for the new 3.03 OE popstation
- A few bug fixes from v1.26b, but since a lot has changed, some bugs may be introduced hmm
- Also see the Notes for more details.
Download v2.00 BETA (0.98MB)
Mirrors: Sendspace
Changes in v1.26:
- Added an Options dialog
- Will now search BIN and IMG files for Game ID
- Interface changed a bit
Changes in v1.25:
- Will now automatically set Game ID if an ISO is given
- Will now automatically detect if the game is a multi-disc game, and fix it appropriately
- Fixed a few minor bugs - also customisations from the PSXCust folder should now work
- (forgot to mention before) PAL -> NTSC patching now doesn't touch the PSX ISO file.
Download v1.25 (779KB)
Mirrors: Filefront
Changes in v1.24:
- Mainly a few bug fixes and I've tried to make it consume less memory
- Other minor changes
Download v1.24 (775KB)
Mirrors: Filefront
Changes in v1.23 beta: [ Notes ]
- Added a PAL -> NTSC fix (see notes for more detail)
- The last file used is now saved. Also an INI file is editable
- Loads an image file from the command line argument - may be useful
- Fixed a possible bug in v1.22
Download v1.23 BETA (776KB)
Mirrors: Filefront Sendspace
Changes in v1.22 beta:
- Gameboot images are now customisable!
- ISO extraction from EBOOTs a bit more reliable
Download v1.22 BETA (773KB)
Mirrors: Filefront
Changes in v1.21 beta:
- Mainly a few bug fixes and extra checks added
- PSAR header is now not fixed at 0x50000 - should allow editing of offical PSX EBOOTs, however, since I don't have any, I can't test this
Download v1.21 BETA (771KB)
Mirrors: Filefront Rapidshare
Changes in v1.20 beta: [ Notes ]
- Files can now be deleted and extracted from EBOOTs
- ISOs can be extracted from EBOOTs!
- Game save name can now be edited
- You can now preview EBOOTs and ISOs before converting/patching
- Removed the DOS window - put a progress bar in its place smile
- Titles automatically changed when you add an ISO - unfortunately I disabled automatically getting the Game ID becasue the lookup was tooooo sloowwww
- Support for automatic customisation - image packs can be placed in the PSXCust folder - my program will automatically add the pictures there when you select the game from the list
- Few other minor improvements
Download v1.20c BETA (901KB)
Mirrors: Filefront
Changes in v1.10 beta: [ Notes ]
- The BASE.PBP file is now generated, so you can add custom ICON1.PMF and SND0.AT3 files! Please note that these files cannot be too big.
- Can change the files within EBOOT.PBP files (ie change the ICON0.PNG)
- EBOOT.PBP patching is now integrated into the main window
- The Select game window is slightly improved - you can sorda search stuff now..
- Minor GUI changes, bug fixes and more checks added
Download v1.10 BETA (744KB, 7z format)
Mirrors: Rapidshare Filefront
Download v1.10 BETA (RAR format) courtesy of Chewy954
Changes in v1.05b:
- Fixed two incorrect file offsets - hopefully this fixes the EBOOT.PBP Patcher problems.. hmm
Download v1.05b (742KB)
Mirrors: Rapidshare Megaupload
Changes in v1.05:
- Can now view EBOOT.PBP Game Title and Game ID
- Fixed a possible bug when setting too short a Game ID
- Removed all command-line switches (these are no longer needed)
- Increased the max length of the Game Title to 128 characters - I'm not certain that this is the limit, but looking around multiple sources, it seems to be so
- Decided to include an older version of cygwin1.dll to reduce the filesize
Changes in v1.04:
- Added EBOOT patcher to patch already converted EBOOTs
- Drag & drop files names are now checked - if the image is unsupported, the user is notified of the best action
- 'Note' text changed
- Minor bug fixes